
August 15, 2013


welcome into my kitchen... (well, strictly speaking it is not solely my kitchen, but you get the idea). ever since childhood whatever went on in the kitchen had my interest... in the beginning I would assist my mum with simple things as part of cooking dinner, and little by little I could do more and more on my own and I enjoyed it so! to this day I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen and now that I myself am a mum of two young boys I think a lot about how we influence them, which values are important to us, and not least what we would like to pass on to them. among other things one thing I hope for, is to help them develop a conscious and curious attitude towards food... and as I see it one way to do this, is to let them into the kitchen, let them take part in whatever goes on, and not least prepare and enjoy meals together. Being also a busy family trying to combine working life with family life, it isn't always easy to come up with good ideas for what to have for dinner, so I was thrilled when I read this post on one of my favorite blogs! I thought it was such a brilliant idea that it made me wonder how I also could make a little contribution... as you read this, you have probably figured it out, I leaped into starting my own blog, primarily focusing on what takes place in our kitchen. so thank you Vigdis for being such great inspiration!

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